Sunday, April 6, 2008


We had a lot of fun Saturday at the MS walk. It was cold, but we had a great turn out. I had the most people walk on my team that I have ever had. Mom, Mrs. Sandra, Dad, Beth, Deidre, Savannah, and I. Our team raised $405. Thank you to the generous contributors- Mom and Dad, Susan, Sandra, Savannah, Aden(tooth money), and Aunt Nan. (We missed you this year, Nan.)
After a grueling walk(HA!),we all grabbed a piece of pizza and listen to the door prize drawing. We were only suppose to put our names in once, but three people thought to put mom in without telling the others. Believe it or not, she won all three times. It was funny after the second, and mom joked that she was leaving before they called her again, but after she left they called her again. It was definitely her day. I forgot the camera, sorry.The Columbus walk raised over $18,00.
Thanks again for all those that gave money and time to support this special cause.

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