Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

We went to Bert's parent's house on Memorial Day for hamburgers, smores, and swimming.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Visit to Nanny and Poppy

Aden and Savannah made their own mud hole to roll around in. I don't think poppy was very pleased about a muddy hole in his yard. Aden made a mohawk while cleaning up the mud.

Aden and Daddy

Saturday building project.

New Haircut

Aden got a summer buzz.

Kindergarten Graduation

Aden and one of his friends after his gradutation program. He is excited about being a first grader now!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Award's Day at CES

Savannah recieved a gold presidential excellence award and honor roll for the year. She wasn't excited about taking pics in front of her friends.